Dagli allegati del PNRR, spuntano dei dettagli sul nuovo piano banda ultralarga.
Le risorse allocate:
The “Italia a 1 Giga” measure aims at providing 1 Gigabit/s in download and 200 Mbit/s in upload connectivity in Grey and Black NGA market failure areas to approximately 8,5 million households, among which 450.000 scattered households. In particular, the measure is addressed to cover households which are not passed, nor planned to be passed, in the next years, by one or two networks (respectively in grey and black areas) able to reliably provide 100 Mbit/s download or more.
The measure will allow for two alternative investment models: a gap funding model, where a network operator selected via a competitive tender constructs, owns and operates the subsidized network and a “direct investment model”, where one or more concessionaires will be selected through one or more separate public tenders covering (a) the construction of a passive network, and/or (b) the maintenance, management and commercial exploitation of the network, whereas the infrastructure remains in the ownership of the State. The selected network operators will grant open wholesale access to third parties under both the models.
Il cronoprogramma indicativo: firma contratto entro metà 2022, 20% del piano entro l'estate 2023, il 60% entro il primo trimestre 2025, completamento entro metà 2026.
Per lo sviluppo delle reti mobili 5G, ci sarà una consultazione pubblica per raccogliere dagli operatori dati sulla copertura 4G/5G e anche in quel caso saranno fatti dei bandi (dettagli nel PDF).