• Trasloco o Nuova Linea? (Thread in Inglese)

Karel but here in Italy friends tell me to avoid them

Follow your friends advice

Karel In August however we are moving to 21020 Taino

Karel any tips on ISPs to avoid? Packages to choose?

If you write the full address we can check exactly what's available and what's best there.

Karel Also considering buying my own modem rather than getting it included with the subscription. Would that be worth it? In addition I work freelance with p.IVA so I could detract costs

You do you, "business" connections of this kind are identical to consumer connections, just with the invoice directed to your company/p.iva.

Karel Our house is not very close to any of the black lines

Then you shouldn't be covered by BUL, perhaps Piano Italia in the future or a private company at some point. With the full address we can give you more info.

Karel So I was thinking to end the contract in September (through PEC) and start a new contract straight away on the new address? Is that a bad idea?

Unless you need to keep the same land line number, I suggest you to go for a totally new line/contract and then you cancel the old one. By far the easiest and most trouble-free way.

Hadx ha cambiato il titolo in Trasloco o Nuova Linea? (Thread in Inglese) .

Thank you for the advice so far!
The full address is Via xxxx, Taino.

    Karel I've checked you address and is planned for coverage with FTTH FWA from BUL project but at the moment is not terminated yet.

    I see available FTTC (VDSL 100) with an estimated distance from cabinet of 491mt and an estimated speed of 54.22M/20M.

    If you want to evaluate we also sell connectivity on VDSL (and also FTTH BUL when became available).

      ElCresh is planned for coverage with FTTH from BUL project

      Are you sure? Looking at the map the fiber coverage should stop quite far from his place, maybe it will be FWA BUL?

      Karel Personally speaking I would go for Eolo 300/50, by far the best option right now in that Area. There are also other ISPs selling that connection, like Dimensione and others.

        ElCresh I've checked you address and is planned for coverage with FTTH from BUL project but at the moment is not terminated yet.

        BUL or P1G?

        • ElCresh ha risposto a questo messaggio


          So that's FWA, right? Are there any downsides to FWA compared to an FTTC landline I should be aware of?

            Hadx Are you sure? Looking at the map the fiber coverage should stop quite far from his place, maybe it will be FWA BUL?

            Sorry my bad. I can't see FWA project on webgis and I was confused. Yes it is FWA BUL i suppose.

            Hadx Personally speaking I would go for Eolo 300/50, by far the best option right now in that Area. There are also other ISPs selling that connection, like Dimensione and others.

            Yes that's for sure a better option than VDSL. The OP has two sites near his house.

            oznoelr BUL or P1G?


            Karel No downsides, is on a dedicated spectrum used only for FWA. The suggest is to prefer 300/200/100 profiles on EOLO network because they are on a newer radio technology then the 30M service (but not everywhere, sometimes also 30M is on the newer technology).

            Karel Are there any downsides to FWA compared to an FTTC landline I should be aware of?

            In your case (ie extreme vicinity to the BTS) not really, only in the case of some extreme weather conditions (storms, basically) the link may go offline temporarily. But again, you are very close so it really shouldn't be a problem.

            Thanks a lot guys.
            So for the package: Am I right in thinking 300Mbps is overkill and the 100Mbps of EOLO più intrattenimento should suffice?

            We don't have a TV. I work fulltime in remote, often videocalling. We stream in the evenings and some music by day. Only 2 smartphones. I have a lower end Synology NAS that's a little slow in loading images/music/video when I am not home but the bottleneck might be the weak CPU/low RAM, not the connection.

            Ookla rates me at 90/20 and I've never had issues (I don't stream in 4K...)

            Thanks for the offer but I think I'll stick with FWA

              Karel You can also check providers that sell their services over EOLO network like Dimensione if you want to compare some alternative.

              Karel I work fulltime in remote, often videocalling.

              If you handle big file regularly I'd suggest the 300 because of the 50M in upload compared to 20M of the 100M.

              As Andrea said, check out Dimensione and the others too, especially if you are interested in having top notch customer service.

              So this is what I found. Clearly Linkem offers the speed of the more expensive Dimensione "2" at the cost of EOLO? What is the catch?

              0,00 installation costs, free within-5-days install
              Router EVO wifi

              DIMENSIONE 1
              49,00 activation
              Router Premium AX6000

              DIMENSIONE 2
              49,00 activation
              Router Premium AX6000

              LINKEM Office 5G
              29,90 activation
              MyLink Box

              And then I read https://it.trustpilot.com/review/www.linkem.com, 1,2 stars over 3k reviews. So too good to be true?

              I think I'll go with EOLO 300/50 as suggested, might drop one of the extra packages if they seem unnecessary lateron.

                Karel What is the catch?

                Different technology, completely separate infrastructures. Eolo 300 is clearly the best option, if you are lucky enough to have the coverage.

                To complete the benchmark it's also appropriate to consider TIM Business which offers 100M/50M connectivity starting from 24.9 euros/month + IVA (for the first year, then 29.9 euros/month + IVA), with unlimited calls included and without installation costs.
                The router and the outdoor antenna are on free loan for use.
                Optionally, you can request a static IP address (but this service requires a fee).
                For further information I remain available.

                Karel DIMENSIONE 1
                49,00 activation
                Router Premium AX6000

                This is fttc(fiber to the cabinet)
                It uses the "phone cable from the street"
                In this case they give a fritzbox 7530ax because their zte router ax6000 doesn't have dsl port
                The performance vary depending on the length of the cable from the cabinet to the house,the state of the cable and other stuff
                Check the estimated speed if you want to go with this(but i'd prefer with the 300/50)

                Karel DIMENSIONE 2
                I think you read and/or wrote it bad;it should be 29,90€ every month,no 39,90 monthly

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